Our governance
Regionally, GPPAC is governed by Regional Steering Groups. Each GPPAC region is coordinated by a Regional Secretariat, and has a Regional Representative. Both are chosen by regional member organisations.
Globally, GPPAC is governed by an International Steering Group. The International Steering Group consists of the Regional Representatives of each of the regional networks, and up to six representatives of international NGOs.
GPPAC also has working groups, made up of members from around the world. Each working group has a chosen Chair, who is part of GPPAC's Global Strategy Group. The Global Strategy Group advises the network on GPPAC's overall strategic directions and policies.
The network is supported by the Global Secretariat, which operates under the GPPAC Foundation, registered and based in the Netherlands. The Global Secretariat supports the work of the governance and operational bodies of the GPPAC network, primarily the Board, International Steering Group, Global Strategy Group, Working groups and Regional Secretariats.
The Board of GPPAC is responsible for overseeing and advising the GPPAC Foundation.
Our Charter
For more detailed information about how GPPAC is governed, please consult our charter here.
Our Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan was developed over two years in a truly inclusive and collaborative way, involving all of our network members. Youth peacebuilders, women peacebuilders and activists, and peacebuilders from the most remote areas, all speaking a variety of languages, contributed to our Strategic Plan which aims to guide our network building peace together for the next five years.
We have collectively identified three themes to guide our efforts to address the challenges to peace and security:
- First, we aim to magnify locally-led peacebuilding action to truly advance sustaining peace;
- Second, we strive to include the needs, perspectives, and expertise of local peacebuilders from diverse societal backgrounds with a specific focus on women and youth peacebuilders;
- Third, we intend to apply and promote a conflict-sensitive and peacebuilding approach to climate-related risks and other emerging threats.
Read the full Strategic Plan here.
Our Annual Reports
- Narrative Report 2023
- Financial Report 2023
- Narrative Report 2022
- Financial Report 2022
- Narrative Report 2021
- Financial Report 2021
- Narrative Report 2020
- Financial Report 2020
- Narrative Report 2019
- Financial Report 2019
For earlier Annual Reports, click here. For previous Financial Reports, click here.