Some GPPAC members within the delegation at CSO-UN Dialogue on Peacebuilding

GPPAC Annual Report 2023

Unprecedented global challenges marked every corner of the world in 2023. From Palestine to Ukraine, Sudan to Haiti, conflict and multidimensional crises continued to drive instability. Governments struggled to cope with the hottest year on record, as climate change fueled wildfires, droughts, and violent storms, disproportionately impacting people in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Yet, despite these daunting circumstances, the GPPAC network and its members beat the odds - in their communities and at the national, regional, and global levels. They continued to weave together their knowledge and experience to strengthen peacebuilding efforts. They continued to build strong partnerships with policymakers, sharing their on-the-ground experiences to influence global policies. And they stood together in solidarity. Members leaned on the GPPAC network in so many different ways, and in doing so, they strengthened and enriched it, as well as their individual and collective impact.

The stories in this report bring to life the GPPAC network approach to peacebuilding, showcasing how the GPPAC network amplifies impactful peacebuilding at the local, regional, and global levels. The stories further illustrate the benefits members derive from the network. 

Dive into the pages of this 2023 annual report filled with inspiring stories of resilience, collaboration, and the transformative power of a network committed to building sustainable peace around the world.

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