GPPAC Member Peace Boat received Lifetime Organizational War Abolisher 2021 Award
On October 6, 2021, in a festive online ceremony, GPPAC- founding member Peace Boat, a Japan-based organisation that promotes peace, human rights, and sustainability was awarded the Lifetime Organizational War Abolisher Award 2021. On behalf of Peace Boat, their founder and director Yoshioka Tatsuya, accepted the award which acknowledges the endless endeavours of the organisation to place the security of people at the heart of peacebuilding.
“If war is ever to be abolished, it will be in great measure due to the work of organizations like Peace Boat educating and mobilizing thinkers and activists, developing alternatives to violence, and turning the world away from the idea that war can ever be justified or accepted.”
World BEYOND War on why Peace Boat was awarded the Lifetime Organizational War Abolisher 2021 Award
The first Lifetime Organizational Award is granted by World BEYOND War, a global nonviolent movement, founded in 2014 to end war and establish just and sustainable peace. The purpose of the award is to honour and encourage those who intentionally and effectively advance the cause of war abolition and those who accomplish reductions in war-making, war preparations, or war culture.
For over 30 years, Peace Boat has carried out various projects and campaigns to promote peace, human rights and sustainability. The organisation is a founding member of GPPAC and has acted as a Regional Secretariat in the Northeast Asia Region since the beginning of our network in 2003. Together with Peace Boat, GPPAC members in Northeast Asia have successfully launched the Ulaanbaatar Process, a unique civil society dialogue for peace and stability in Northeast Asia. Through this project, we aim to change the prevailing narrative surrounding the contentious geopolitical relationships in the region by promoting communication and cooperation, building and strengthening constituencies for peace.
The whole GPPAC network unites in extending its heartiest congratulations to Peace Boat. We are incredibly proud of you! We see this award to be a true testimony of your endless efforts to build a global culture of peace and to advance nonviolent conflict resolution and demilitarization.
Find out more about the inspiring work of our members in Northeast Asia around the Ulaanbaatar Process here.