2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review
What is the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR)?
The UN Peacebuilding Architecture aims to support governments and their peoples as they seek to “prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation, and recurrence of conflict, address root causes, ensure national reconciliation, and move towards recovery, reconstruction, and development” (S/RES/2282, PP8).
>> Click here to learn more about the UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review and why it matters!
In 2025, the PBAR will once again take stock of the United Nations peacebuilding and sustaining peace efforts, focusing on the implementation and impact of the UN’s action on peacebuilding and sustaining peace at the field level.
This will happen through diverse tracks.
- The Secretary-General will publish a detailed report on peacebuilding and sustaining peace in 2024.
- The Peacebuilding Commission will convene meetings throughout 2024 and 2025, with a chair's summary as an outcome document.
- A panel of eminent persons will be appointed to participate in consultations and meetings organised for the 2025 PBAR.
- Member States and UN entities are encouraged to engage with relevant think tanks, policy and academic institutions and regional organisations to organise inclusive thematic and regional consultations.
What is GPPAC’s vision for the 2025 PBAR?
The 2020 dual resolutions on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/RES/75/201-S/RES/2558) mandate ‘a comprehensive review of United Nations peacebuilding in 2025’ (OP5). Unlike the procedural resolution in 2020, the outcome document of the 2025 PBAR has the potential to unpack further the concept of ‘peacebuilding and sustaining peace’ by building on developments since the 2015 PBAR and the 2016 dual resolutions on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/RES/70/262-S/RES/ 2282).
The 2025 PBAR outcome document should focus on the following four priorities:
- articulate what inclusive national ownership and leadership in peacebuilding and sustaining means
- emphasise the role of the UN as a facilitator of connections and a provider of political, technical and financial accompaniment
- strengthen quantity and quality of financing for peacebuilding
- define what localisation of peacebuilding and sustaining peace means
>> Click here to read our full vision for the outcome document of the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review
How does GPPAC support the 2025 PBAR?
Written Submissions:
- Articulate what inclusive national ownership and leadership in peacebuilding and sustaining means:
- Expanding Prevention: Capitalising on the Power of Early Warning and Early Response Systems (in partnership with CECORE, VIVA and MENAPPAC)
- A Case for Global Policy Support to Women Mediator Networks (in partnership with y the Pacific Women Mediators Network (PWMN), the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network (MWMN), the Permanent Missions of Italy and the Marshall Islands to the United Nations, and UN Women)
- Emphasise the role of the UN as a facilitator of connection and a provider of political, technical and financial accompaniment:
- Concrete steps to support the implementation of Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace at the country level (with the support of the UK Mission to the UN).
- Grading the United Nations (in partnership with the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)) - see attached.
- Strengthen quantity and quality of financing for peacebuilding:
- Financing for Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace: Lessons Learned for Impactful and Inclusive Financing for Peacebuilding and Resilience in the MENA Region (in partnership with the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation (DHF) and MENA Coalition on YPS)
- Define what localisation of peacebuilding and sustaining peace means:
- Financing for Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace: Lessons Learned for Impactful and Inclusive Financing for Peacebuilding and Resilience in the MENA Region (in partnership with the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation (DHF) and MENA Coalition on YPS)
- How to do Localisation? Making Global Peacebuilding and Development Policies Relevant (in partnership with Conflict Resolution (CECORE), Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations, and Quaker UN Office.
Regional Consultations:
- Lessons Learned and Strategic Operationalisation of Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in the Pacific (28 June 2024) - >> Click here for the summary note
- Lessons Learned and Strategic Operationalisation of Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean (18 October 2024) >> Click here to read the summary note (also available in Spanish)
- Lessons Learned and Strategic Operationalisation of Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Eastern and Central Africa (11 November 2024) - forthcoming
- Lessons Learned and Strategic Operationalisation of Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Niger (17 December 2024) >> Click here to read the summary note (also available in French)
- The Second CSO-UN Dialogue on Peacebuilding (12-13 December 2024) - click here for the complete overview of GPPAC member's input