Sharon Bhagwan Rolls

GPPAC's Chair of Board Opening Remarks Supporting Local Infrastructures for Peace Post COVID-19

The fourth regional discussion in the UNDP-GPPAC series titled "What Infrastructures for Peace support Peacebuilding in the Context of Fragility and Crisis?'' presented an opportunity for GPPAC members, as well as UNDP and DPPA colleagues, in Asia and the Pacific to present their ideas and thoughts on the ways to sustain peace in four GPPAC regions: South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and Northeast Asia. 

Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, the Chair of GPPAC Board, opened the discussion outlining the key joint priorities of GPPAC in four regions moving forward from the 2020 Peacebuilding Architecture Review and towards a more regional, comprehensive and inclusive partnership model that can accelerate individual efforts of all stakeholders for meaningful impact on the ground. 

Read the statement below. 

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