Addressing the Interlinkages between Climate Change and Human Security: An Analysis of the 2015-2023 UN Agreed Language on the Interlinkages between Climate Change, Peace and Security
The aide-mémoire on Climate, Peace and Security provides an overview of the ways in which the UN development and peace and security actors engage in addressing the interlinkages between climate change and (human) security. The central question this aide-mémoire seeks to answer is whether UN peace and security actors should support the development system in addressing the interconnection between climate change and security and, if so, how.
The document brings together the 2015-2023 UN 'agreed language’ directly and indirectly related to the interlinkages between climate change and peace and security issues within the UN intergovernmental bodies, including the General Assembly, UN Security Council (UNSC), Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), among others.
The authors of this aide-mémoire interpret the interlinkages between climate change and peace and security from the perspective of human security, implying the analysis of diverse risks, including economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political risks. The aide-mémoire also builds on the lessons learned from the experiences of local peacebuilders with localising climate-sensitive risk assessments.
This aide-mémoire is a resource for Member States and climate experts and serves to support them in promoting a common understanding of the existing and possible policy commitments for addressing the interlinkages between climate change and human security.