Conflict, Colonialism, and Masculinity
Building upon the commitments of GPPAC's Gender Policy to challenge and transform harmful gender practices in conflict-affected societies, the Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND), with the support of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, is hosting an online discussion on Conflict, Colonialism and Masculinity on Wednesday 14 December (Wednesday) 3.00 - 4.15 PM (CET) check your local time here.
Please register here.
- Professor Paula Banerjee, University of Calcutta, India
- Michael Fanizadeh, Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation, Austria
- Maja Vitas Majstorović, Gender and Inclusivity Adviser at GPPAC Global Secretariat;
- Lucy Nusseibeh, GPPACsGender Focal Point from Palestine and Founder of Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND), Palestine, will also facilitate the webinar and the following discussion.
Key questions for the discussion:
- How does masculinity impact peacemaking?
- What is the intersectionality between caste, class, ethnicity, and gender and its effects on peacemaking?
- How are traditional gender roles emphasized and instrumentalised in the contexts of conflict, repression, and occupation?
- How do the powerless resort to asserting power, and with what consequences?
The webinar is a part of the GPPAC's gender focal points learning exchange series. To participate, register here!
For more information, see the concept note here.