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Apply for the 6-week online course: Protection from digital violence by using critical thinking

GPPAC’s Peace Education Working Group invites you to join this highly interactive 6-week online course from 22 October to 28 November. With space limited to 25 participants, be sure to apply before the deadline on October 11, 2024!

Description and Overview:

This 6-week course is designed to develop and strengthen the capacities of formal and informal educators, as well as practitioners working in the peacebuilding field, enabling them to apply skills needed for protection from digital violence. It is expected that, in their working environments, they will transfer these skills, knowledge, and practical applications to students and co-workers.

Participants will enhance their values, knowledge, and skills, allowing them to apply these in both their personal and professional lives. They will be in a position to support students and colleagues in doing the same, contributing to safer behaviour online and in schools.

Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict. Presence at the online sessions and active participation are required to obtain the certificate.

Topics covered include:

  • Protection from digital violence
  • Critical thinking
  • Media manipulations
  • AI in education
  • Personal and group identity

Course format: 

  • Each week there will be an online workshop (90 min) facilitated by lead facilitators and/or guest speakers, working in pairs;
  • Interactive individual and group tasks;
  • Homework – assignments in the form of reading, written tasks and Q/A quizzes;
  • Consultancies with facilitators via Canvas;
  • Final task: Create a plan of activities that you will be able to implement in your work settings.

Sample resources will be shared throughout the course. 

This course will be highly interactive, as the organisers value participants’ experiences. They believe learning is more effective when we analyse, discuss, and complete tasks in teams. Participants should expect homework in the form of individual assignments, which will be posted on the Canvas platform.

Who should apply?

  • Educators in primary and secondary classrooms;
  • Faculty in teacher training at teacher preparation colleges/universities or organisations;
  • Staff in Ministry/Departments of Education;
  • Staff in International Governmental Organisations who work with youth at the primary/secondary level in the field of education, or
  • Staff in civil society organisations working in education at scale (country-wide or regionally).

Apply by filling out this form: Click here!

Language:  Participants must be proficient in English, both in writing and speaking.

Facilitators: Biljana Lajovic, psychologist and education specialist, and Tatjana Popovic, peace and conflict transformation educator from the Nansen Dialogue Centre Serbia. Read their bios here


  • Applications due October 11, 2024
  • Respond to applicants by October 15, 2024
  • Course Begins/Access to the course – October 22, 2024
  • Course Ends – November 28, 2024

Technology needed:

  • Computer/Tablet or Phone with Camera and Microphone enabled.
  • WiFi strong enough to participate in live discussions via Zoom and to watch videos.

Participant experiences:

It was a motivating and inspirational journey for me. Interesting topics were presented by various facilitators. I had the chance to learn from professionals all over the world and exchange experience and knowledge. The six weeks passed really quickly, and it would be useful to continue similar courses organized by GPPAC and Nansen Dialogue Center.” - Former participant Alisa, USA

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