Peace Education Webinar Series
Our peace education experts from all corners of the world have been working together to exchange information, skills, and strategies, on how best to engage and collaborate with key stakeholders to help build capacity in their education systems in association with GPPAC for 12 years. Their combined years of experience however, tallies to more than a century! This unique group of experts include civil society, teachers, academia and representatives of Ministries of Education or relevant country-wide governmental and national education agencies, creating a global multi-stakeholder platform.
Upcoming webinars
If you are interested in any of the upcoming webinars, go here.
Webinar: Building Capacity from a Local to Global Level
The first webinar was given by Jennifer Batton, Chair of the GPPAC Peace Education Working Group. She shared good practices in teacher education, curriculum development and integration and student/youth programming in social emotional learning, multicultural/citizenship education, peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
Webinar: School Mediation in Multi-Ethnic Communities in Serbia
This second webinar was given by Tatjana Popovic, Managing Director at the Nansen Dialogue Centre, and special guest Biljana Lajovic -Senior Advisor to the Minister of Education at the Ministry of Education of Serbia. The speakers shared their expertise on school mediation in multi-ethnic communities in Serbia. They spoke about the benefits and challenges of implementing school mediation in multi-ethnic communities in Serbia. Examples from schools on how school mediation became mechanism for prevention of violence among peers were presented.
Webinar: Inclusive Education in Multicultural Societies *
This third webinar was given by our peace education expert Dr. Iryna Brunova-Kalisetska, who is the Executive Director at Integration and Development Center for Information and Research in Ukraine. In her webinar, she shares her expertise on multicultural schools and education.
* Apologies for the bad sound quality.
Webinar: Lessons Learned from 3 Decades of Peace Education Work
This fourth webinar was given by Dr. Loreta Castro, Program Director, Center for Peace Education, from the Philippines. She shared her experiences and insights from over 30 years of peace education work. To find out more about the work of the Center for Peace Education, read 'Peace Education: A Pathway to a Culture of Peace'.
Webinar: Participatory Video as a Form of Peace Education
Lucy Nusseibeh shared her expertise on participatory video. Lucy is the founder and executive chair, Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND) based in East Jerusalem, focusing on nonviolence, education and media.