Inclusion of women and youth peacebuilders
Imagine a world where young people and women in all their diversity participate in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Imagine a world where young peacebuilders are seen as changemakers, role models and inspiring leaders. Imagine a world where women set the agenda, lead peace negotiations, and are seen as true peacebuilding experts.
This world would be more peaceful.
This world is possible when all members of society are engaged and participate in peacebuilding and conflict prevention, regardless of their gender, age, religion, race, class, or nationality.
That is why we work to include the needs, perspectives, and expertise of women and youth in all their diversity in the analysis, design, monitoring of, and solutions for peacebuilding and conflict prevention processes.
‘’GPPAC demonstrates its deep-rooted commitment to engage young people in peacebuilding processes by allocating grants to youth organisations who promote youth inclusion in their communities.’’ - Khaled Emam
We do this by, collectively strengthening the capacity of our network for inclusive peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We support our gender focal points and youth, peace and security experts in strategically engaging in peacebuilding processes at the local, national, regional, and global levels. And we ensure that our members’ locally-grounded experience and expertise contribute to further develop and implementation of global policies and frameworks.
"Our network is uniquely positioned to advance the inclusion of women in peacebuilding and conflict prevention thanks to its ability to reach women peacebuilders across continents to the most remote areas of the globe. This wide array of local knowledge ensures a comprehensive understanding of the challenges local women peacebuilders face and the opportunities they can take up." - Visaka Dharmadasa
We focus on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, making women’s participation in peace processes an absolute priority.

Gender Experts
Gender mainstreaming is a cross-cutting priority for GPPAC. We believe that sustainable peace can only be achieved with the participation of all members of society.

We focus on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2250, making youth participation in peace processes an absolute priority.
YPS Experts
Promoting the Inclusion of Young Peacebuilders and the Implementation of the YPS agenda