From Rhetoric to Practice: Concrete steps to support the implementation of the Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Agenda
This synthesis report summarises the key insights coming out of the three case studies in Sudan, Somalia and Mozambique, and is meant to serve as a resource for the representatives of the UN, its Member States, and the donor community to guide stakeholders’ policy engagement and to deepen the global support for the impactful implementation of the Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Agenda at the country level. The recommendations serve to feed into ongoing global policy processes, including on the topics of the Common Agenda, peacebuilding and conflict prevention, and in-country strategic policy dialogues to support a comprehensive shift towards lasting and sustainable peace. These recommendations are designed to be broad and require further contextualised research, consultations, and analysis in order to implement peacebuilding and sustaining peace with meaningful impact at the country level.