Building up Prevention at the National Level: A Case for an Expansion of Early Warning Systems
As part of the GPPAC’s Learning Month, a session on Early Warning and Early Response Systems (EWERS) focused on hearing from EWERS experts on what it takes to establish such infrastructures successfully. GPPAC's involvement in a variety of EWERS provided a solid ground for learning and exchange. This conversation allowed participants from diverse regions of the world to consider how to engage in EWERS practices in their contexts and provided an opportunity for partners already engaged in EWERS to learn from other partners how to strengthen their work.
The following key elements of effective EWERS emerged during the learning session:
- EWERS require a strong, multi-stakeholder and inclusive governance structure.
- EWERS are best operationalised when supported by peacebuilding networks.
- EWERS must be rooted in localised indicators.
- EWERS inspire a variety of funding structures.