Rose Othieno
Rose N Othieno is the Founding Member and currently the Executive Director of CECORE. For the last twenty years, she has been engaged in various activities of the organization like training different groups and institutions in conflict transformation skills, early warning and mediation at national, regional and International level. She represents CECORE at Uganda Action Network on Small Arms and light Weapons (UANSA) and IANSA women's network.
CECORE is accredited to the peace and security programme of COMESA (Common Market of Eastern and Central Africa), and a participant in the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region Pact on Peace and Development. She is also the member of Women waging Peace of the Institute of Inclusive Security.
CECORE is the GPPAC National Focal Point in Uganda and also a member of GPPAC's Dialogue and Mediation Working Group at global level, where Rose was appointed as thematic Gender Focal Point.
Region: Eastern and Central Africa; Uganda
Area of Expertise: Conflict transformation; Early warning; Mediation