Building Sustainable Peace: Confronting Polarisation, Enabling Transformation
For the past 6 years, the GPPAC Improving Practices Working Group (IPWG) has been generating and utilizing Human Security and peacebuilding resources to enhance the impact of the broader GPPAC network.
The roundtable format for enhancing GPPAC member practice was developed to be more inclusive and draw upon the network experience. During the September 2022 Learning Month, The IPWG used the roundtable format to focus on intersectionalities.* The first roundtable discussed the crucial role of youth in bridging sides in divided societies and the necessity of education in peacebuilding. The discussion concluded with a strong call to further explore how to overcome polarities as local peacebuilders operate in increasingly socially and politically polarised societies.
As part of the GPPAC Improving Practice Working Group series focusing on "intersectionalities," this session will explore different dynamics of polarisation and how the principle of adaptive peacebuilding can address some of the major effects of polarised societies. The "round table" format, as opposed to "webinar", will encourage interaction and direct engagement with the topic, thus contributing to solidarity among the participants in addition to learning as we consider together how we can confront polarisation.
The approach of adaptive peacebuilding fully involves societies and communities which are intended to benefit from peacebuilding. It actively engages them in a structured process of learning and adaptation.
* ”Intersectionality refers to how multiple factors or systems of power and oppression – such as gender, race, class, age, and sexuality – intersect in defining the societal structures and people's lived experiences. In conflict-affected societies, intersectionality helps understand not only the kinds of violence people might suffer but also the varied interests, needs, agencies, and views toward what constitutes inclusive and sustainable peace." Source: Gender and Youth / Intersectionality / Peacebuilding, post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, by Elena B. Stavrevska / Sarah Smith (2020)
Two guest speakers will share how polarisation affects their work and reflect on opportunities to reduce polarisation.
- Lea Perekrests, Deputy Director of Operations, Europe & MENA, Institute of Economics and Peace, will present the systems approach of the Insitute of Economics and Peace, "Pillars of Positive Peace."
- Carole Frampton de Tscharner, Organizatonal Development Lead at PeaceNexus, will reflect on internal organizational polarization, presenting a "polarity framework".
The informal discussion will offer ample time for Q&A and participant sharing. It will be a space for reflection and joint learning.
We invite GPPAC network members, the wider peacebuilding community, and donors funding PB efforts worldwide to join us for a lively discussion. We encourage participants to bring their own success (and failure!) examples of overcoming polarization.
Please register here to join via the zoom platform.
About the GPPAC Improving Practice Working Group
The GPPAC Improving Practices Working Group aims to improve how conflict prevention and peacebuilding are done in practice. Based on the principles of Human Security and Multi-Stakeholder participation, the Improving Practice Working Group has held regular face-to-face and virtual gatherings to strengthen the bonds, learning and sharing among the group.