The WOSCAP project has focused on conducting evidence‐based research on EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding, producing a number of research reports on specific countries and key thematic areas. To assess the EU's efforts the project looks at three types of existing EU interventions, namely Multi‐Track Diplomacy, Security Sector Reform, and Governance Reform. Over the course of 2016, this was done through a combination of desk and field research in Mali, Yemen, Georgia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Honduras. Various ‘community of practice' events and forums for dialogue on thematic areas have brought together policymakers, civilian and military practitioners, academic experts and the beneficiaries of EU interventions. In 2017 the project has been focussing on producing a tailored set of recommendations to improve the EU's civilian means for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
For more information, visit this website.