- Manual1 November 2017
Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines and Procedures
This document represents a framework and practical guidelines for conflict analysis that members of the GPPAC network and various other organisations...
- Policy Brief1 September 2017
Between Rhetoric and Practice: Local Ownership and the Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
In June 2016, the EU extended the mandate of the Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) until June 2018. While the fate of the mission after that date...
- Publication6 June 2017
Sustainable Development Goals from a peacebuilding perspective
GPPAC has written a background paper on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from a peacebuilding perspective. The paper gives recommendations on...
- Policy Brief1 June 2017
Towards Local Ownership of International Interventions in Mali
The human security lens highlights how people experience insecurity at a personal and community level. However, such day-to-day realities are often...
- Case Study1 April 2017
Suivi-évaluation dans le contexte fragile, changeant et divers du Mali: Ensemble pour la Sécurité Humaine au Mali
Le présent document combine plusieurs méthodologies et concepts afin d'obtenir un outil permettant de faire un suivi-évaluation de la stratégie «...
- Policy Brief1 April 2017
Les motivations de la société civile dans l’élaboration d’appro- ches factuelles d’une stratégie de la sécurité humaine au Mali
Le présent document d’orientation fournit aux responsables de l’élaboration des politiques, aux praticiens et aux chercheurs de nouveaux éléments...
- Policy Brief1 April 2017
The Motivations of Civil Society in Designing Evidence-based Approaches to a Human Security Strategy in Mali
This policy brief provides fresh insights and practical lessons for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers on the motivations of Malian...
- Publication11 March 2017
Seminario Internacional de Seguridad Humana y Justicia Transicional
El pasado 14 y 15 de marzo del 2017, en el auditorio de la Escuela de Ingenieros Militares, se realizó el Seminario Seguridad Humana y justicia...
- Annual Report1 January 2017
Annual Report 2016: Putting Prevention First
Some major strides were made in peacebuilding and conflict prevention in the past year. At the very end of 2015, the historic resolution 2250 on youth...
- Financial Report1 January 2017
Financial Report 2016
In 2016, GPPAC members all over the world made significant contributions to prevent violent conflict and foster peace in our communities. We focused...
- Publication30 November 2016
Local Ownership Challenges in Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
Local ownership is one of the guiding norms of contemporary peacebuilding and conflict prevention. To help advance understanding and address the...
- Publication30 November 2016
Civil-Military Synergy at Operational Level in EU External Action
Although it remained undefined, since the Nice European Council meeting held in 2000, civil- military synergies have become a serious goal of the EU’s...