Articles addressing current topics related to the EU from a whole of society perspective
This is the second Working Paper produced as part of the project “Whole-of-Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding”. The purpose of the WOSCAP working paper series is to highlight and discuss key topics and concepts relevant to the EU’s peacebuilding and conflict prevention agenda, which can be used by policy makers, academics and researchers working in the field, and civil society organizations.
This Working Paper is composed by a collection of short articles, written by various experts involved in the WOSCAP project consortium. The authors have chosen very actual topics that exemplify the relevance of using a whole of society approach to peacebuilding in different contexts and the pitfalls that can be avoided when interventions are done in a coherent and sustainable way.
The articles included are:
Colombian peace process: contributions for enhancing EU gender and multitrack diplomacy efforts. Ana Villelas, Pamela Urrutia and María Villelas, Escola de Cultura de Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Afghan Self-Reliance or a Patient on Life-Support? Brussels Conference on Afghanistan. Toon Dirkx MA, Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University
Lessons from Brexit for a Whole-of-Society approach. Dr. Mary Martin, London School of Economics and Political Science
ICTs, whole-of-society conflict prevention and peacebuilding and the EU. Jen Gaskell, Build Up
Mali: les défis de la reconstruction; Une contribution au Civil Society Dialogue Network Member state meeting “L’engagement de l’Union européenne et des Pays-Bas pour les pays en situation de fragilité après l’adoption de l’Agenda 2030”. Kissima Gakou, Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako