Northern and Western Europe
GPPAC is also active in Northern and Western Europe. The most recent project, is the Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding", or WOSCAP. The project aimed to enhance the capabilities of the EU in conflict prevention and peacebuilding by the best civilian means. This project demands for better and more integrated EU-wide responses to national, regional and global conflict trends are at the top of Europe’s political agendas. Given the salience of these challenges, a central question is: what are the current EU civilian capabilities in the fields of conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and how can these be enhanced in order to make policies more inclusive and sustainable? With the objective to answer this question, GPPAC led the EU-funded Horizon 2020 consortium project “Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding” (WOSCAP). The project delivered an assessment of the EU’s peacebuilding capabilities, a catalogue of good practices, and over 150 recommendations, all of which have been captured in over thirty reports. Its key findings and results are based on a Whole-of-Society approach which combines greater inclusivity with improved integration of policy choices.

Highlights & results
- The project has raised awareness and successfully mobilised around conflict challenges and potential solutions in key categories of EU intervention: multi-track diplomacy, security sector reform and governance reforms.
- The project addressed context-specific challenges in the case study countries, also contributing to an increased accountability of EU interventions towards local populations.
- The project established several Communities of Practice, connecting practitioners and policy makers.
"Those affected by conflict, should be involved in the conversations about policies that affect them."