Eastern Europe
Our priorities
Due to the East European countries’ positions and history, the region is under political and economic influence of major international actors holding a key role in peace and security. The influential countries in the region are Russia, the USA and the EU. The most recent example of this is Ukraine. Our members continue to work on long-term strategies aimed at minimizing the conflict potential in societies and preventing conflicts from escalating. This is done through development of peace education programs in countries such as Moldova and Ukraine.

Highlights & results
GPPAC Eastern Europe is integrating peace education into the school curricula of Moldova and Ukraine. The "Culture of good neighbourhood" programme is used in elementary schools throughout Moldova and Ukraine.
“For me, GPPAC is especially valuable because it is one of few peacebuilding networks in an ever-changing world where peacebuilding is particularly important. The prevention of conflict is very relevant today.”

Regional Secretariat
Non-Violence International - Ukraine
4000 Albemarle Street, NW
Suite 401
Washington, DC 20016
Regional Representative
Andre Kamenshikov
Regional Liaison Officer
Olha Zaiarna