Eastern and Central Africa
Our priorities
The Eastern and Central Africa region continues to grapple with a cycle of serious and complex situations of conflict and fragility. These conflicts are characterised by widespread killings, gender-based violence, displacement, a refugee influx, that affect the region with negative impact on the economic and political and social fabric communities. Although each country has specific conflict challenges, cases of widespread gender-based violence, the inability to cope with an expanding youth bulge and vulnerability to radicalisation and violent extremism, effects of climate change, and poor governance cut across all countries in East and Central Africa. Cases of election violence and destruction is also an increasing phenomenon across the region. Through a number of activities our members work on peace and prevention of armed violence in the region.

Highlights & results
GPPAC has established a regional civil society forum to liaise with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, the regional intergovernmental organisation which has peacebuilding its core mandate.
“GPPAC East Central Africa offers a unique and important platform for the prevention of violent conflicts in the region. It fosters collaboration, synergy, information sharing and learning from each other. It is always great to see such dedicated and passionate people working for peace in our region."
Regional Secretariat
Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE)
Plot 1040 Soya Road Bunga (off Gaba Road), PO BOX 5211
Kampala, Uganda
Regional Representative
Rose Othieno
Regional Liaison Officer
Mr. Patrick Bwire