Nighat Said Khan
Nighat Said Khan is a prominent feminist activist and academic in Pakistan and founder of the Women's Action Forum. She is the Executive Director of the ASR Resource Centre, a non-profit organisation that has been one of the pioneers in feminist and social activism, and in combining activism with research and theory. Nighat is also the Dean of Studies on the Institute of Women's Studies, Lahore.), aiming to close the gap between theory and practice in political and social movements. Nighat has been involved in national, regional and international peace movements and is a founder/board member of several peace groups, networks, alliances, including the Pakistan India Forum for Peace and GPPAC. Moreover, she has contributed to several publications such as “”Global Feminist Politics: Identities in a Changing World” (2000). She has long been involved in the women’s rights movement and people’s movements in Pakistan as one of their most prominent faces. To read more about her many years of experiences across different continents, go here.
Region: Pakistan
Area of Expertise: Feminism; Women’s rights