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We need your input for the 2021 Civil Society Rome Declaration 2.0 on SDG16+

“Renewed Priorities for SDG16+ to Strengthen COVID-19 Response, Recovery and Resilience”


In May 2019, civil society organisations from around the world met in Rome, Italy in the context of the SDG16 Conference. After an inclusive consultative process, the Rome Declaration was presented. This declaration highlighted key civil society priority areas, recommendations, and an urgent call-to-action to achieve the real transformative potential of SDG16+. After its launch, the declaration received endorsement from over 130 CSOs and networks.

Why is this relevant now?

With SDG16 being reviewed for the second time at the High-Level Political Forum this year (HLPF2021), it is of strategic importance to revisit this declaration and to assess what has been done following the review of SDG16 and the discussions at the SDG Summit in 2019. The upcoming review provides a renewed opportunity to advocate for a scaling up of collective efforts towards SDG16+ implementation and relates to the urgent need for accelerated action to the impacts of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic, the theme for this year's HLPF.

What’s Next: 2021 Civil Society Rome Declaration 2.0 on SDG16+

Building on this momentum, we call upon your support and that of your wider network to formulate a concise 2021 Rome Declaration focusing on key priorities as an add-on to the pre-existing 2019 Rome Declaration. The revised declaration will be presented during this year's HLPF and 76th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Your input for The 2021 Civil Society Rome Declaration 2.0 on SDG16+

After reviewing the original 2019 Rome Declaration, we kindly invite CSO-representatives to share your reflections via this very brief 9-question survey before May 24th.

This is a shared initiative with our partners CSPSS, TAPnetwork, and Namati.



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