Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: "We should not repeat old issues?" (2013)
"The international community along the United States, NATO allies, and the United Nations must work with the Afghan people to align Afghan domestic laws, specifically the Amnesty Law, with the Rome Statue to charge those who continue to commit serious crimes with impunity", – argues the Policy Note on Transitional Justice in Afghanistan. The document is authored by the Afghanistan Justice Organization (AJO), a member of the GPPAC South Asia network, in collaboration with the GPPAC Global Secretariat in The Hague.
The Policy Note is an attempt to understand the history and status of transitional justice in Afghanistan and to provide recommendations for its implementation in order to heal wounds and prevent impunity. The document intends to contribute towards a broader collaborative research project between the GPPAC and The Hague Institute for Global Justice. The project aims to provide policy recommendations on transitional justice strategies to achieve both sustainable peace and accountability for gross human rights violations, as well as to provide policy relevant recommendations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) on conflict sensitive approaches to outreach and prosecutorial strategy.