Covering female decision-makers in Palestine
"I want to be more involved with political participation in Palestine. As a future journalist, I want to highlight the dilemma of Palestinian women's political participation in my career. I want to meet unknown and dismissed female decision-makers and shed light on them through my camera."
Bayan Hamad is a 21-year-old university student who lives in Ramallah, Palestine. She has always been a defender of women's rights and wanted to contribute to changing the harsh reality of Palestinian girls. This burning desire made her choose to study journalism and media. Bayan had heard about the Palestinian Center for Democracy (PCPD) but never engaged with the organisation. It was only when her friend Lana, who had worked with the PCPD before, persuaded her to join the first meeting of the project, "Young Women and Men Engaging in Peace Negotiations within the Framework of Resolution 1325", that she became actively involved.
"This project has crafted a part of my personality by enriching me with more knowledge on political concepts and women decision-makers in Palestine. It has also widened my perspectives on women's political participation. I want to use my new skills and experiences in my future career as a journalist."
At first, she was sceptical about participating in political participation projects, but her desire for a bright Palestinian future and her friend Lana convinced her. Ever since Bayan actively participated in the project, she has been more determined than ever to raise her voice to include women like her at decision-making tables in Palestine.
"I want to participate in other projects with PCPD. I want to spread awareness on women's political participation and use the skills and knowledge I have learned to further real change in Palestinian society."
The project is financially supported by the Rapid Response Window for Women's Participation in Peace Processes and the Implementation of Peace Agreements, a funding mechanism of the United Nations Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF). The Rapid Response Window addresses urgent funding gaps with targeted, short-term support to increase women's participation in peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements.
The WPHF is a flexible financing tool supporting quality interventions to enhance the capacity of local women to prevent conflict, respond to crises and emergencies and seize key peacebuilding opportunities.