Become a member
Who can become a member?
The membership of the GPPAC network is comprised of recognised Civil Society Organisations, with a local, national, regional or global scope, involved in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities. International civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations or networks can also become members of GPPAC.
What do members commit to?
If your organisation becomes a GPPAC member, it commits to support the GPPAC Global Action Agenda and adhere to the GPPAC Charter.
What can members expect?
Staff of member organisations will receive the bi-weekly GPPAC Update, with news from the network, from other members, interesting resources and training opportunities, and funding opportunities. They can access the member section of the website, where they can ask other members for support or advice. They can also join GPPAC working groups, and possibly participate in GPPAC global or regional activities.
What happens after your organisation applies for membership?
Our regional network members assess applications from organisations from their regions, based on our membership criteria. Please note that this may take some time, depending on the regional network's process.
Applications for membership from international CSOs or networks will be referred to the Global Secretariat and assessed by the International Steering Group. The International Steering Group meets every 12-18 months, so it might take a while before you hear back.
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